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All things are impossible. I have just been

perusing the life of Mrs. Shuck the baptist mission-

ary to China she was educated by my tutoress Mrs. 

A. J. Little of Fredericksburg which event greatly 

enhanced my interest in its perusal. Truly she 

was a child of God. She left Father, Mother, Brothers

and Sisters for Christ's sake and the Gospel. 

No murmuring no repining [?]  her employment 

But a constant resignation to his divine law. 

Most cheerfully did she give up all for Jesus 

She was so sensible of our insignificance and

nothingness, she deemed herself unworthy of the 

honorable and glorious title of missionary.

Lord grant I too may count all loss for the sake

of Jesus. Let me glory in nought save the cross 

of our Lord and Saviour.

Tuesday June 12th 1849

Have just concluded two letters to Gloucester, one 

to my dear Father, the other to Cousin M. R.

What a privilege it is to enjoy that of visiting to 

absent Friends. how few appreciate it and [?]

to its true value. I think for the means of such

consolations to separated relations it is the chief
