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house. - Mrs. L. told me


about it those that got into

the house wrote something

smutty in an envelope lying

on her desk. 

Mon. Jan. 4, talked to Grace on


didn't do much of any thing

today mailed letters to Grace

& Clara & Henry cost 4 cts to

mail Graces letter recd a 

letter from home & they said

they recd the Xmas pkg.

O.K. sent Clara & Henrys

letter mamas, Sadies, 

Annas & Johns letter & the

card from Aleain up to

Grace. I went down to

P.O. to mail letters. I

marked some of Iza's

clothes tonight recd a card

from Papa also. Miss Barber

came over & did some of the

ironing this P.M. Everett

here this morning. & brot a 

broom told me I must be careful

how I used it good night: 
