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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full text of the document available soon.

A. Bolmar's School

            Westchester Pa.
            February 23d 1858

Dear Grandma Uncle & My Betsy You may judge my feelings for yourselfes when I received the sad news of the death of Cousin Fanny and I knew how my dear Grandma would suffer it is my duty to console you all but I cannot I loved Cousin Fanny better than all the rest of my friends who were not relations except my Betsy and now she is dead I am afraid to think what will come next and I dont want to stay here any longer and if I can get money I mean to come home and see you all I d'ont intend to study any more this session the measles has taken away all my best friends my dear father and my Cousin Fanny and I d'ont know who else. I am going to

page 2 write to Lousiana tomorrow and ask permission I think to go to Suffolk I am afraid to state my fears. Goodbye

                                                     Your loving Son
                                                      Thos. R. Boland