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April 1862

Tuesday 1st
Wind NE & E Clear in mg. Cloudy in Evening
Harrowing with Two Harrows. Hauling & scattering Manure.
Cutting summer wood in Gum thicket.
Sent Wagon with Carriage horses to Stubb’s Mill
with 20 Bushels Wheat. 10 for Mr Curtis, 5 for Sister Ann
& 5 for myself. The wagon brought the Flour from 15 bushels
sent there some time since. Mr Bryan here in Ev.g.

Wednesday 2
Wind E cloudy cold dame & disagreable. Harrowing 2 harrows
Hauling out & scattering manure. Put down Gate Post and
swing yard gate. Throwing up the bank under the enclosure
around the yard and turfing it.

Thursday 3
Wind SE Clear & beautiful day. Ploughing Three Ploughs
Hauling out & scattering manure. Throwing up bank
around the yard. Bedded about three pecks of Sweet Potatoes
The Rats got in the mound & eat nearly all mine. I got some of Mr Curtis
Warner got home. The Legislature took a recess till the 1st May.

Friday 4
Wind E Cloudy & raw. Ploughing three Ploughs. Throwing
up the bank around the yard. Opening water furrows
in harrowed. There was a good deal of firing on the Peninsula
to day and about 20 very havy guns at the Mouth of York River
Charly sick. I expect he has measels.
