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June 1863

Sunday 28th
Wind SE Cloudy. We staid at home. no one here.

Monday 29
Wind SE cloudy & rained a little in M.g.
Ploughing & working Corn. Set out some Potatoe Plants.

Tuesday 30
Wind E Cloudy. Ploughing West’s Corn. Weeding Corn.
A large force is said to be going [“On to Richmond.”][underlined]
via York River and fighting is said to be going on
but as there is no mail & our communication by
private sources is almost cut off and we are in utter
ignorance of what important events may be transpiring though our destiny
may depend upon the issues - A cruel state of uncertainty
for a People to be placed in – I however have no fears
of the final result tho we on the Border may and
probably will be pecunarily, utterly a ruined people –
I for my part cheerfully accept the sacrifice of fortune; so
our Independance is achieved – My Farming operations
are now so limited having only one crippled man (Joshua)
and two little boys (Alick & Henry) to work I shall not
in future note them with any regularity
