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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full text of this document available soon.

A.P. Hill [Hd?][qrs?] 3 Corps March 19th 1864

My Dear Georgie

The rumor of a [review?] runs counter to my own knowledge. I have not thought of such a thing, be- cause it would simp- ly be impossible just now, without great trouble and [bring?] marching to [?] of the Troops - However I promise you, I will let you know , as soon as I know [2] it myself, if any such event is to come off - Dolly and the children are well and Dolly sends her love, and wants to know what success you all have met with in ["speasing"?] out a boarding place for her. Please recollect when you write to me that "Jeff's por- traits" are somewhat plenty here, and I don't give you any right to treat me as if you and I were "business" correspondents. [Top?] begins to work pretty well in the traces and [?] will be able to manage him [soon?] - My love to you all and tell Capt. [Bernie?] he had better send in his application at once for the Invalid Corps -

Ever your [loving?] A P Hill