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the Honor which the public must suppose I possess already, & thereby I should be degraded & suffer in my professional cha -racter. But if I were to apply after such a warrant has been obtained it might seem invidious & presuming to require a precedency however I might be en- titled to it from prior long service. If it were not fatiguing to you Sir I could explain that there are grounds for believing that such applications in favor of others have been or will be made & I am liable & exposed to injury without the royal personage ever recollecting any such offers & which a timely represen -tation may prevent. I therefore take the liberty of submitting Sir to your superior judgement whether it is fit that I request of you to present my humble & dutiful respects to his R. Highness or any way you think best, to solicit his R. H. to confer upon by underline warrant /underline the appointment of Physician to their