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Camp Holmes Sept 28th 1861 Dear Ella We are still here, and I have just seen Mr (Dowry?) and he says that he will board you for a week or two. I will meet you in (Fredreksburg?) any day that you will (move in?) and come straight out to his house you will be in sight of Camp and will have to walk only about (1?) mile to the drill ground and that the children can (...) the drill every day even from the house. I would write more but I wish This to go today write as soon as you get This so that I may hear from you a day or two before you come up. Perhaps, pa may come with you. Love to all I remain your fond husband (?) (Hope Keekoo?) Sept 29 1861 Mrs (J?) (Heseold?) Penola Caroline Co VA The (PM?) will please to send this by the first opportunity (?)