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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon. (C. Glendening)

                                  March 6th 1868

My dear Cousin

          I received your letter a 

few days previous to our departure from Galveston, and dear cousin you must forgive me for not answering it ere this.

 Galveston did not agree with me.

I was quite sick, and Mother feared if we remained, I would be seriously ill. I am still sick, but the Doctor says he thinks I am improving.

 We have had a great deal of trouble

since we left "Virginia" all of which I will explain when we meet. Have I a new cousin yet? I shall be too much pleased to have pretty Miss [Bomine?] for my cousin. Tell cousin Jimmie he must "be watchful and beware" for I fear he has a rival in Mr. F Woodward, We will certainly [teach?] Frank to call your name, Mamma and Dada is all he can summon courage to say at present.

 My dear cousin, I remained so

short a time in Galveston that I had few acquaintances so you must forgive me as I did not fulfill your request (of procuring you a Texan Lover.) I am sorry Mr. Prince has deserted the village. I felt sure you would be Mrs. Prince before I heard from you again, but I feared you would "marry in haste and repent at leisure." How do you like your new Minister; I hope he will preach more frequently than Mr. Woodward. How is darling Grandma? Kiss her, and tell her I hope to see her in the spring. I have attended two Balls since my arrival, but I did not enjoy them as much as I should, had I not felt unwell. I hope you are enjoying yourself, judging from cousin Jimmies letters. Jerusalem must be quite gay. Good bye! write soon to

                    Your affectionate cousin
                M. Antoinette Rochelle
                Care of Wm. T. Marshall & Co

P.S. Henceforth I will take my own Fathers name. excuse haste
