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Brookville Novem. 13th 1867

My Dear Brother
    Dr Sir Your letter of Novem.6th was
received last evening. you spoke of a letter you
wrote to I. M. Hart & myself some 6 months since.
I have never recieved but one letter from you
since the war which I have answered & which
you have received.  I am always prompt in
answering letters, altho I have not as much
time as I used to have.  I am now a hewer of wood
& a drawer of water.  I feed all of my horses &
hogs & I am now doing more work in the morning
than all of my Labourers together.  I have
three old fellows & three boys in my employ by
the year one woman to milk & one to cook.
Last year I had more & was brought in debt
$500.00. this year I shall loose about $200.00.
what I shall do the next I do not know.
I have made no arrangement for the [time?]
next year, but I am thankful for my general
good health which I think has been caused from
forced exercise.  I am unwell at this time with
a cold but have not given up my d^ailly work.
    I have sold two pieces of land to pay off my
Labourers & expences of the farm next to the Depot.
I sold one piece of about 20 acres for $11.00 in
specia or its equivalent & another of 55 acres at
$12.00 in Greenback lying on the south side
of the creek above the depot & runing up to
the Depot in the the form of a triangle originally in
Pines but the most of it was cut by the Army while
in camp.  The Government promised to pay me
between $6000 & $7000.00 for damages also many
thousands in Bonds all gone. but I am thankful
I am out of debt or I do not owe more than I
can pay. at this time.  The Land over the road
is for sale.  I am asking $16.00 in speacia for that
quantity I beleive is 70 acres.  I am not able to
keep it enclosed & besides the army cut nearly
all of the oak land down.  You have some
idea of the land I bought it of you at the division.

    I shall be forced from age to limit my labours.
I cannot do as I have been doing .  James Hart,s
wife has two babies at one birth now one year
old May 6.  Hat & Malcolm D Hart both well looking
& the girl very much like James mother but poor
fellow pecuniarilly he is in a bad fix – he would
like to borrow about $5000.00. he bought a place
expecting to sell the one he lived on to pay for the
one he bought but has failed to sell & he is
able to meet the contract.  I am not able to
help him.  If he could borrow the money
he would give a Deed of Trust to secure
the payment.   I intend to write to John
to see if he has any money he would
lend him.  He regrets the contract. It was
an oction sale.  It is the place where Washington
Truhart once owned about 12 miles from
this place;  Great changes have taken
place in this section of your acquaintance.
Our sister Sallie will write you about
that.  You will understand this in the
stable under the trough.  Good health
& happiness attend you

        Your Affectionatly
        J. O. Claybrooke