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Letter from Rebecca Powell (‘Springfield’ Prince Edward Cty, Va) to Selina Powell (‘Kenmuir’, Virginia)   ‘Springfield’ is the name of Mr. Dickinson’s farm in P. E. County.

2 February 1863

Powell Papers – 65 P875, Box III, Folder 4

- - - - -

Springfield Feb 2nd /63

My dearest Mother

Having dismissed

my scholars for the day, eaten my din-

ner, & dressed myself, & attended to

one or two little jobs I had on hand,

I shall devote the rest of the after-

noon to a chat with you, though I

do feel a little tired, & consequently

you must not be shocked if my letter

is not very well written.  Your last

letter reached me on Saturday, &

I was very glad to hear from you

again, for though not anxious, I grow

right impatient after more than

a week or ten days has passed without

my hearing from you & Pa.  It has been

three weeks today since I had a

letter from Sis [Hattie], so I think the young

lady is treating me rather shabbily.  I

was very glad to see from her last

letter to Nina that she was feeling

much better than before Xmas, & that

Maria was doing very well.   I trust

the improvement will be permanent

as I suppose Col. Tucker is at home

by this time.  I think the climate

of the lower country, & my present

mode of life, must agree particularly

with me, for I do not think I have


looked as well for a long time.  I

don’t know that I am particularly

fat, but my skin is smooth & I have

a good color, & certainly am not thin.

Mrs. Bent remarked it when I saw

her in Farmville “Why”? she said

“you look so well, you don’t look at

 all like the people in Winchester.”?

I was quite glad to hear that Pa

had decided not to take the school

in Farmville.  Every thing which is

needed about a house is so very

high now, & so many things are

not to be had at any price, that

I think it is much better for us

not to go to housekeeping life after

the war if we can avoid it.  I hope

very much that he has concluded

a satisfactory arrangement with

Mr. Haskins, as I think you & he

would both probably find his home

an agreeable house, & then it could

be right near Nina & myself, & Uncle

Fred, but I feel a little anxious

lest Mr. H should not be willing

to pay a fair salary.  Mrs. Dickinson

tells me that he is noted in the

county for his closeness.  I think

it would be well for Pa to limit

the number of scholars which

he would take for Mr. Watkins

& reserve the privilege of taking

these at his own terms.  There


are so few good boys schools in the

county now that I think it very

likely he could be applied to take

nine scholars.  Mr. Holladay had

a school of about 20 boys at $5 a

month here at the College & he

thinks it very likely he will have

to go into the army under the con-

script act this spring, & if he should

there will be no one to take his school

& I shall have Lennie & Clem on my

hands.  I am glad to hear that

Uncle Wm has come out & brought

Arthur & the girls & to hear that his

household are all well, but very sorry

to hear of Uncle Llews affliction.

Truly there is not a house where

there is not one dead.  When will

the measure of God’s wrath be poured

out upon our land, & His hand be

stayed.  I pray that it may be soon

but I do not see any signs of a coming

peace.  I suppose the danger of an

attack at Fredericksburg has passed

away & that it will be impossible

for the enemy to advance for some

weeks at least, & I am very glad of

it.  How much wet weather we

have had in the last three weeks.

I have hardly been out any, & am

beginning to want fresh air & exer-

cise, but the time has not hung

at all heavily on my hands, on

the contrary it has passed away

very pleasantly, though we have


had very little company, May Belle

Foote (Mrs. Armstrong’s sister) has been

staying in the house all the time

but few other persons have been

here.  I have knit 2 more caps

one for Lennie and one for Mrs. D’s brother

Capt. Irvine, & then I have read

quite an interesting novel, which

I hunted up on the office shelves

& am now renewing the romance

of my youth reading Byron’s Bride

of Abydos & The Corsair.  Last Satur-

day (day before yesterday) I did not go

anywhere, neither roads nor weather

were in sufficient good order to

tempt one out.  The Saturday before

Miss Wood & Miss Flournoy (?), two very

agreeable ladies from the Ct. House

came over & spent the day, so I could

not go away in the morning, but

in the evening Clem drove me over

to College to Dr. Atkinsons & I spent

the eve & night there & returned

with Mrs. D from Church the next

day.  It was the first time I had

been to Dr. Atkinsons except to make

a call since I have been in the

neighborhood, & I had a very pleas-

ant visit, still I do not think I

shall go there soon again to stay, for though

May invites me to come I can’t

help thinking there is a little

want of cordiality in her invitations.


I heard from Mrs. Hopkins that Alf

had been discarded by Miss Page.

Indeed I think he has been very

badly treated.  Did you notice Len-

nie Mason's marriage in the

Enquirer.  He married a Miss Hill

of N. Carolina.  The same young lad

I think whom I met with in

Stratford when I was there.

She was a very nice girl, but I

am surprised at her marrying him.

I always thought a little sense

a very desirable quality in a hus-

band.  I am glad to hear from

Uncle Richard & I do hope he

will succeed in preserving our

western property.  I hope too he

will send that money to Uncle Frank

& that if he can get & send us those

dresses he will do so.  They say

every thing will be higher than ever

this summer.  Mrs D. [Dupuy] and Mrs. Arm-

strong have gone to Farmville

today on a shopping expedition &

I asked them to get more things

for me, when they get back I

will tell you what they have

gotten & at what prices.  I had

a very pleasant letter from Cousin

Llew last week in answer to

one I wrote him at New Year.


He seem to be well but to regret his absence from “dear

glorious old Va”? very much.  I had a letter too from

Willie Hull.  He was in Staunton & expected to join Imboden

in a short time.  I sent him some of the socks Nina & I have

been knitting & he seemed very glad to get them says he had

been trying in vain to get some like them.  I have not seen

Nina since New Year but if the weather will only be as

bright for the next 2 weeks as it is today so that the roads

can improve I shall try to go over & see her either next

Saturday or the one after.  Mrs D. has just come back.  She found

things very hard to get & very high.  Got for me 2 yds of white cambrics

to make a spencer [?] at $1.75 cts a yard such as we formerly gave 37 ½ cts

for.  I asked her to get me 8 yds of crossbarred muslin or cambric at

not more than $1.50 a yard for a morning dress but she could not

get it & blk goods (_____________ & alpacas) are $6 to $10 a yard.  So

if anywhere you can find anything for a summer dress white

or black at not more than $1.50 a yard please get it for me.

I wish I had gotten a white wrapper last summer.  Blk

gloves are not to be had.  I am right well off for shoes at

present having gotten some white kid slippers & inked them.


Nina will want

an every day

summer dress

very much tho

will she not &

how are you

off.  Well Goodbye

dearest Mother

with much love

to my dearest

Father & also

to all your house

hold I am

ever your devo-

ted daughter

Rebecca Powell