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Letter from Captain Carter M. Braxton (Leesburg) to Charles Powell (Richmond)

4 September 1862

Powell Papers – 65 P875, Box III, Folder 2

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Near Leesburg  Sept 4th 1862

Dear Sir

                It becomes my painful duty to

inform you that on the 24th of August while

engaged with the enemy near Warrenton

Springs your son was killed by a shell while

bravely serving his gun.  He was killed instant

ly the fragment of shell striking him on the left

side & passing through the heart.  I was near

him when he fell but before I could reach him

his spirit had gone to the place prepared for it. 

Although he had been a member of my Battery

but a short time, by his uniform good conduct

& constant attention to his duties he has secured

the good opinion & esteem of his officers &

had won for himself many friends in the

Company.  I had him buried near the

spot where he fell & it may be some comfort

to you to know that all was done for him

that kind friends could do under the cir-

cumstances – not knowing wheather we


were going to hold the field – I thought

it best to bury him as soon as possi

ble – I selected a place which could

be easily identified should you or

his friends wish to remove his remains

before I could point the spot out in person

to you – Allow me to say that

in your son our bleeding country

lost a brave & noble defender.

I believe he died a true christian.

Below I send you a diagram of

the ground upon which he fell, by

which you can secure his remains

when you think proper to do so.


      Bottom of page 2


We were stationed near the Waverly house

(which is yellow) opposite the Warrrenton Spgs.

Just north of the house in a ravine north of a

brick house will be found the grave of your

son in the plot it is marked Q.

Mr Miller’s house is northwest from it –

He could direct you to the spot –

I have had to write in great hurry

as I am on the road should you

wish for more explicit information

I will endeavor give it at another

time.  With great respect I remain

Yours very truly

                Carter M Braxton

                Capt ____ Arty


Chas L Powell., Esq


(note:  The map is very detailed showing the river, road, Warrenton Springs, the Miller house, Waverly house, Brick house, the ravine and two sets of hills and the position of the battery facing Warrenton Springs.  The gravesite is marked with a sign Q just north of the Brick house.)