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by Africa
                                              Lpool 17 January 1862
Dear Ann
                       I have this morning yours by Edin
-burgh of 2nd & 3rd January, Mylton's of the 3rd, Matthews
of 3/4th and Walker's Balance Sheet from our Books to
31 Decr – for all which I am thankful to each
            Matthew informs me that Mr. Superintend
=ant Kennedy has told him (on the 3rd) that the
interdict to the regular delivery of our letters is re=
=moved, upon his own terms, vizt. that we will
return to the writers any letters sent to us to
be forwarded to parties at the South. – I hope
that this may be found the prelude to the
early release of Rutson & Fontaine: & then,
in case one or other of them should go back
to N. Orleans, I hope that Matthew will avail
himself of the opportunity to send money to
James for his support; as with you, I must
fear he is very much pinched indeed.
     In looking over our Balance Sheet, I observe
that there is now at your credit the reduced
sum of $932 65/100.  I wish it had remained at
the larger figure exceeding $10,000, as it was before
Matthew bot for you & for us those $16,000 of
U.S. securities: - in other words, I wish he had
not drawn on R. Benson & Co. in order to make
these investments, & that the money so drawn
had remained on this side, as we could then
have paid you in English Gold [underscored], after realizing
upon our Cotton.  But we both of us know
that he acted for the best & did not then
foresee, anymore that I myself did, this grand
catastrophy of National Insolvency [underscored]!

In looking over this balance sheet, I perceive
there is at Matthews credit             $ 23,165.78
                   & at mine———           28,397.99
                                                       $ 51,563.77
But then are the following items to the Dr.
of accounts that may not, & I suppose will
not be collected & may thus be classed or
treated (for the present at least, if not forever)
as “bad debts”?: vizt.
Jas Maury              $ 4,272.70
J Maury & Co           3,541.83
J Maury & T J S [struckthrough]      5,252,75        $ 13,067.28
David Spence
and some other minor sums, such as
R. Maury Jr. ———    26.19
W. Maury . ———–  556.–
M. F. Maury Jr           106.75                 688.94
And if we deduct this                      $13,756.22
from the balance at Matthews & my credit
it would leave for us nett                $37,807.55 [double underscored]
Whilst the stocks we own are set down
in this balance sheet as worth         $36,005.30
besides ^ Insurance Scrip ———  1,410. —
& balance in Banks 31 Decr: ——     1,901. —
                                                        $ 39,316.30 [double underscored]

Our nett means, so far as posted up
were by this balance sheet     $ 37,807.55 [double underscored]
or in Shiling [underscored] at $5 per £ —    7,560 —
add to this Matthew's legacy
from Mr. Latham                           270 —
& profits in Cotton sold but
                                                    3,770 —
not entered up...about                     .
& the conjectural profits
in the Cotton still on hand                       .
                                                £ 23,000 [double underscored]
This agrees pretty well with the esti=
=mate accompanying my scheme
of 4/ – in the £ to be devoted to Jas
Maury & Son’s creditors.
     I wish Matthew may seize the
chance, ‘ere it is too late, to sell
out your & our Stocks, as far as he
can, & send me the proceeds, or
lodge them in Gold as a special [underscored] deposit
in the Bank of Commerce, or some other
good Bank. –
     Taxation would retard [underscored], but it cannot

by any possibility be to such extent as
to prevent [underscored] continued [underscored] depreciation.
     There is nothing else before us in the U.S.
but precisely the same ["precisely...same" underscored] result as that
which attended the resort of Assignats &
Continental Money, in France & America
in the last Century, in case of pro-
-tracted War. – The depreciation will
proceed rather in geometrical [underscored] than in
arithmetical [underscored] ratio. – Taxation may be so
increased as to ruin [underscored] annuitants [underscored] in your
position, & yet never correct the increasing
evil of endless depreciation ["endless depreciation" underscored].  It is merely
locking the stable-door after [underscored] the horse
has been stolen! – And Matthew
ought to act resolutely in selling out
Stocks before the public discover that
Taxation, payable in shin plasters ["payable...plasters" underscored],
cannot prevent the rapid depreciation
of the shin-plasters. – I am rather
surprised that he has not already
arrived at this conclusion, especially
after his talk with Mr. deRham on
the 3rd or 4th January. –
     The Bank of Lpool would receive deposits
from me, & allow 1½ to 1¾ percent interest
premium.  Mr. Adam Hodgson (still unable now

[Vertical Writing, Left Margin, Page 4]
to attend to business) has been the Managing Director in that Bank from the time it

[Vertical Writing, Right Margin, Page 4]
first went into operation: & has been paid an annual Salary like Jno Myers.

18th Janry – Dear Ann – The 3 ladies at No. 11,
as well as myself, were very much interested
in your narrative of the trials & privations
of Mrs. Ricketts. – Elizabeth wants to have
a copy of it, & she also wants to know
(what I can’t tell her) the age [underscored] of Mrs. Ricketts.
     I approve of your efforts in the way Mrs.
Major Mordecai desired, & of your letter to her.
     I have had no answer yet to the letter I wrote
8 days ago to Mrs. Edgeworth as long ago desired
by Miss Ellen. – I told her of the next to impossi
-bility of our sending letters to the South, or
anything else, until the War is over.
    Three nights ago I was assisting Mary Bold
in balancing her accounts for the past year;
& that gave me an insight into the annual
means, divided into 4 parts among the 4
sisters.  The total was a trifle short of £500,
as well as I could judge.  Next morning she
asked me to carry a sum (£46.15/7) for
the ½ years rent of the old house at Bootle,
to be deposited with Horsfall & Addison: &
on her leaving the breakfast room to go into
her own room for the money, I followed her
thither, & after long argument, & on her part
much resistance, I prevailed upon her to let
me add £50 to said deposit, which I did.
     I am sure you will rejoice with me in my
success in thus overcoming her scruples.  I told
her to let the transaction be kept entirely
to our two [s...?]

I am much pleased with Walker’s diligence
in being so prompt in getting the Books
balanced; for he has done it at a much
earlier day than Mr. [Panton?] ever did, if
I remember rightly.
     Please thank Mytton for his letter of 3rd.
inst.  It is very welcome; tho’ it put
me to the trouble of sitting up to a late
hour last night, writing in my cold bed-
-room to Mr. Ruddle, to ask him, if he knew
Dr. Neville’s new curate & he had not yet
embarked, to desire him to call on me,
that I might give him the photographs
for Dr. N that I took in charge from
Mr. Ruddle. – When my task was ended,
hands & feet, especially the latter, were
so cold, that it was long before I could get to
sleep – Frost has set in again.  At
noon today in Lord St. I saw the Thermr.
marking 32½°
     I was pleased at your increase of New
Year’s visitors, & that Miss Van Ness
sat up with you to receive them; & that
Tobin took the pains to repay the calls of
those who had paid that attention to you.
     At Greenbank there were 8 guests besides
Mr. & Mrs. Rathbone. – Mr. Gair, Mr. Sellar, Mr.
Chinas, Donald Rose, E Matthews (Brandie’s son
in law) Begouin of Mobile, & a Mr. Campbell
an insurance broker here. – Mrs. Rathbone made
devirs kind enquiries about you. -