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[p. 1]

Well Geet you are a

nice old man to treat

any one as you have treated

me when I rite to you again

you will know it I have a

hole heap of funny things to

tell you. but you should we

[Bron?] it to save your life if

you dont think enough of me

to write to me you can let it

alone how long did Gen stay

with Zara did you let him

[p. 2]

John adress


            John F. Hatfield

            Co D 16th Va Regt

            3rd Brigade

                        Johnson Denihion

            1st Army Corps                                   

read my letter I would like

to see the one you got from

Dalles. I suppose you have fallen

so deep in a [Brine?] trip that

you cant get out if so you are

excusable [You?] old woman

                        write if you please

[p. 3]

that you have not gotten that paper

Lt. E Jones Armstrong Co. “A”? 31st  Va

Regt. Pegrams Brig. Pegrams Div.

Army of N. Va I have been trying

to get a ring for you but this far

I have failed. though I hope I

can get one befor long. I heard

Sergt. Hoffman say that he would

write to Miss Eela the other day

I dont know wheather he did

or not, he often speaks of playing

impertnent questions and wonders

if they (that is you and Miss Ela.) ever

think of us. he doesn not know

that I am writing to you.

            You must must be sure and tell

me where the Batery is encamped

when you write. tell me al about

what is going on in Bridgewater

for I am always very anxious to hear

from there.

            I came very near forgetting to

say Christmas gift now what are

you going to send me for a

[p. 4]

Christmas gift somthing very nice

I hope. have you ever completed

my flag yet or have you forgotten it

            I must close for the present

this leaves me enjoying tolerable

good health hoping when it

comes to hand it will find you

enjoying the same blessing I am

with the greatest of respect

                        Your devoted friend

                        E Jones Armstrong


[p. 5]


                                    Cap County County Va

                                                 Dear Sister

Your leter Came to hand

I was glad to hear from you and

to hear that you had got back

to old. B. yours founde ous

all well and and doing well

I woulde like to hav you

            here withe me and to

stay with Julie While I

am a way from home I

am werking 8 miles from home

Sister ther is no news

of interest Tom wantes to

no What kinde of of a

plase this is for his bis[?]

this is a pore plase for a

harnis maker but beter

for a sadler and Color

maker can do well here

in [Born?] the bisnes is

beter a good hand can

[p. 6]

                                    get from 2 to 3 dolar

                                    per day tell Tom

that here the land is

Cheaper if he would do sell

his hous and lot and

come out here he could

make more by bying a

farm farm he can get land

from 5 to 10 dolor a aker

I think he can do beter here

than there

            Sister tell Mack

that if he wants a good

plase to come out here

I hav got five Jobs of werk

offerd to me at this time

and I will not do them

I am werking on a large

house at this time that

is sed to be the beste

werke in the County I

hav got the run of werk


[p. 7]

tell Mack to sende me

the book that I got withe

my tools that I stand in

need of it I rote to him

some time a go to sende it

Sister I wante you to

get it and sende it by

male as soon as you can

and I will be very glad it

will not coste very much

I wante you to tell John

that I woulde like to

hear from him Sister I

wante you to finde out

where Henry Bowers is and

per suade him to come

out here and liv with

me I will sende him to

school and by the time he

is a vage he can have som

thing I hav got a small

crop in this year and

[p. 8]

it lookes very well

I am going to plant a

large crop nexte year

I hop to billd my seff

a house this fall and I

will not hav time to

werk fer eny body else

Sister if you come I want

you to teach school at

home I will tell you

the way to come the

next leter I write to

you give my love to

all my friends and

ever serve a potion for

yourself rite Soon

nothing more

            Yours truly

            HE Hatfield

[p. 9]

[begin upside down text]

it may be [probable?] that I can

borrow the money nexte [?]

and if I can I will sende it

to you rite a way

[end upside down text]

there I am doing beter

then if I was there and I

think you all will like

the Country it is not so

colde here in the winter

well Sister I want you

to write to me as Soon

as you get this leter dont

wate one day and tell

me where I muste send

the money to so I can

get it there in time I

wist you was here tell

henry I wish he was here

my cotton field is white and

will be so for a month yet

Sis if you colde borrow the

money of Mr Scot till the

firste of October I will sende it

to him nothing more HE Hatfield

            to [?] and Henry

[p. 10]

                                                September the 18


                                                Cap County Va

            Dear Sister your leter

has come to hand it found

us all well and doing well

but Sister [orny?] to my press

of werke I hav failed to get

the money I was intending

to sende to you and by

you not ancern my leter I

thaught you had gave up the

notion. but I was so glad to

hear that you was still in

the notion of coming and I

am so glad that henry

is coming with you but I am

so sorrow that I am not reddy

to Sende after you but I want

you to be reddy until I get

some Cottain out I am in

a press at this time with

my werke and I want to

[p. 11]

fix my house but I will

sende the money by the firste

of October and I wante you

and Henery to starte as

soon as the money gets to

you donte get out of the

notion be caus I hav disap

pointed you I wante you

both to get threw tickets

so you will not hav any

truble on the way get

your tickets from the plase

you starte to CartersVill

Georgia you come to Sharlots

Ville to lunch burg x to

Alington x to Bristle on the

line of Va and Tennes see to

KnoxVill x [daultin?] Va xx to

CartersVill I donte no

whether you will Change

cars any Where or not

but when you put your

[p. 12]

[begin upside down text]

wee are all well. Eddy has

ben very sick but is well again

[end upside down text]

trunk or get checks

for them and if you haf

to change cars you need not

bother a bout them tha

will come strate to Carter

Vill you [keete?] all your

checks untill you get to


            tell Henry that I am

so glad that he is coming out

here with you tell him to

not get out of the notion

tell Jane and Mr Scot that

tha had beter come oute her

and liv this is a beter [Cours?]

try there where tha are

tell Jane I woulde of rote

to her but di not no

where to write Kiss litle

Jennie for me I would

like to see you all but

donte no when I will

[p. 13]

[begin upside down text]

it may be pesable that I can

borrow the money nexte weak

and If I can I will sende it

to you rite a way

[end upside down text]

there I am doing beter

then if I was there and I

think you all will like

the Country it is not so

Colde here in the winter

well Sister I wante you

to write to mee as soon

as you get this leter dont

wate one day and tell

me where I muste send

the money to so I Can

get it there in time I

wist you was here tell

henry I wish he was here

my Cotten field is white and

will be so for a month yet

Sis if you coulde borrow the

money of Mer Scot untill the

firste of October I well send ett

to him nothing more HE Hatfield

to geet and Henry

[p. 14]

                                                                        May 8th

                                                            Dear Emma

                                                            Knowing You

are anxious to hear from Hilie I write

in hast this eveing it is the first

oppertunity I have had since I returned

from Maryland I went to Md the

next week after I left Bridgewater I

had a verry pleasent visit I would

of enjoyed my self better had you

been along I have not seen Hilie

since he left Bridgewater he is in

Baltimore doing verry well he speaks

of coming home this summer if

nothing happens I hope he will get

home soon I had a letter from him

the last of April he was quite well

but verry anxious to hear from home

                                    I was verry much

disappointed when I came home and

found you had not come please

come soon I want to see you so much

There has been many sad changes since

[p. 15]

you and I [paited?] perhaps all for

the best although I can not think so

give my best love to all the family

also to Ella [?]taffer and Mis Snyder

I enclose a letter from Hilie also an

other which I suppose is for some of

Mr Furrys family please write

immediately and let me know if

you received the letter I sent the

last of February let me know

also if you received the money that

I sent please come soon excuse

hast your devoted friend

Annie Samprell
