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Washington Feb 3rd 1862

Dear Brother

I received your

letter in due time and I must

say that I have not received

a letter that was so interesting

to me as yours was. Some folks have

a mistaken idea about what kind

of letter soldiers want writen to them,

such generaly tell us of our privations

and hard ships we will have to endure

and the dangers we will encounter.

They think we have not found them

yet but mind you soldiers do not

want such letters. They wanto know

what is going on in the domestic

cirkels and in the barn yard and

wheather sister Lizzie grows or not

and who keeps school and who goes

home with [Lovia?] from spelling school

and wheather they have good meeting

or not and all the rest of the every

day news. A little good advise does

come amiss to a boy in a strange land

I will try and write you as good a letter

as you did. The other night when the

brigade officer was making the rounds

it was very dark and just as one of the sentry chalenged them " " who comes there (one of them bumped his shin on a little stump)